what soulvas do

Problems, Solution and Benefits

Map of the Soulvas Terrain

Lay of the Soulvas land

Whats on offer?

What's in it for the SOuLVAS?

Soulvas problem indefication

Problem Discovery & Unearthing

 )-( Planning and Direction setting for everyday life

)-( Baseline and Desired Standards setting
)-( Preparation and mindset reconditioning
)-( Practical and guided approaches to every day life processes
)-(  Constant  review, reflection and reiteration on practical day to          day activities

)-( Anomaly and Performance gaps discovery
)-( Strength in numbers through SOuLVAS Community

find solution in Soulvas

Solutions Generation, Refining & Implementation

(-) Possible solution  tapping and aggregation

(-) Multi Prism promotion

(-) Intervention Relevance  determination 

(-) Hypothesis testing  

(-) Balancing of approaches and varied issues

(-) Trial and testing of recommended solutions

(-) Selling on of solutions

counting benefits

Benefits tracking



(*) Expectations  and Intent setting

(*) Quantity and Quality determination

(*) Periodic self assessment facilitation

(*) Cost Versus Benefit scoring

(*) Long termism approach promotion

 (*) Legacy building and multi generational benefit facilitation